Fountain Of Life Core Beliefs
We value being Biblically accurate and active
We believe the Bible to be the infallible written word of God. We believe that our first devotion and direction is to be Biblically accurate and obedient. (James 1:21-25; 2 Tim. 3:16)
We value being culturally relevant and active
It is our call and mandate to be people who model Christ to the world. It is necessary to ensure that no walls go up between the unsaved and the church so we can have an influence in the world. It is important that we meet people where they are at. People are not impressed with or drawn to religion. (Eph. 3:1-11; John 17:15-23)
We value having Jesus Christ at the center of all we do
In all your ways acknowledge me and I will direct your paths. Paul instructed us that all we do we should do as unto the Lord. Proverbs tells us there is a way that seems right to a man but the end is destruction. (Prov. 3:6; 1 Cor 10:31; Prov. 16:25)
We value being led by the Spirit
God has a plan for each of our lives and our ability to walk in it will determine the manifestation of that plan (Jer 29:11). Our ability to walk in God’s plan requires us to be led (Gal. 5:16). We are unable to walk in His plan alone. Jesus said when He left His disciples “I will not leave you alone” (John 14:18). Jesus promised He would ask the father to send the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us (John 14:26). Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would bring back to our memory all that He spoke and that the Spirit would take what is His and make it known to us (John 16:13-14). Paul said that as many as are led by the Spirit those are the sons of God! (Rom. 8:14)
We value Spirit-led worship
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the one who initiates all true worship. He will lead worship within each individual heart and congregation if we allow him to. (John 4:21-24; Rev. 4:5)
We value the Great Commission
The last instruction Jesus left with his disciples before ascending to heaven (Matt. 28:18-20) was to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all the things that Jesus commanded them to do. This is done when individuals catch the vision of reproducing the life of a disciple in others.
We value the gifts of the Spirit in every believer
We believe that the Spirit of God enters into each person who has truly received the free gift of salvation (Rom 8:15). We believe there is another infilling of the Spirit available to every believer along with giftings that are given (Acts 8:14-17; Eph. 4:7; 1 Tim. 4:14).
We value equipping and sending members into ministry
We believe that the organized congregational life is meant to be a support and training ground for each individual member. We believe that each member has a place within the body of Christ and together we are to help one another and spur one another on to be actively pursuing the call and giftings God has given us. (Eph 4:1-16; Acts 13:1-3).
We value unity
We choose to be inclusive rather than exclusive by valuing all believers regardless of denomination or background who hold to the essentials of our Christian faith.